Global campaign on the issues of violence towards women
07 December 2018

In the frames of 16 days global campaign against violence towards women, was carried out informative meeting organized by the Gender Equality Council of Batumi Municipality, it was carried out with partner schools of the program “Future Generation”, with the members of civil club, teachers and pupil.
Aim of the event is increase of awareness and settling problems of youth and presentation of recommendations. The Chairman of Gender Equality Council Natalia Zoidze and member of the Council Nino Kervalishvili gave information to the youth about recommendations to be carried out against violence towards women.
By the said of the Chairman of Gender Equality Council Natalia Zoidze, in the frames of 16-days campaign, the Council carried a lot of events, among them information given on the web-site of Batumi City Council about start of the campaign (25.11.18.), popularization of the symbol of campaign-orange ribbon (26.11.18.), training carried out for the colleagues of the municipality on the topic: “Gender Violence” (27. 11.18.), informative meeting-discussion with the students on the topic: “Gender Violence and we” (06. 12. 18.); with the pupil of the school “Tamarisi”-on the topic “bullying at school” (07. 12. 18.); the Chairman of Gender Equality Council Natalia Zoidze declared that the campaign will be finished on 8th of December, with the meeting of women who are victims of violence.
At the end of the meeting pupils of “future generation” on the first floor of the administrative building of Municipality carried out symbolic performance. The 16-days campaign against gender violence is annually celebrated from 1991 year. The 16-days campaign started on 25th of November- on the international day against violence of women and finished on 10th of December-with the day of protection of human’s rights.

Visitors: 1903


