Batumi may be awarded status of the European Sport City
17 July 2018

Batumi may be awarded the status of European Sport City. Connected with this issue, the member of Batumi City Council Natalia Zoidze and the Deputy of Mayor Lela Surmanidze met the president of (ACES Europe) Gian F. Lupattelli and the members of federation.
The representatives of the federation arrived in Batumi with official meeting in order to study the issue about awarding the status of the European Sport City.
In the frames of the visit, the members of commission will get acquainted with the sport objects of Batumi, also will be informed about the future projects and the results will be announced on the press conference tomorrow in the hotel “Radisson”.
The receipt of the status of the European Sport City is the chance of international acknowledgment, increase of awareness and membership of the global sport city web.

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