Meeting hall of City Council was awarded name of Luka Asatiani
19 April 2018

Education, Culture, Tourism and Sport Issues Commission of Batumi City Council discussed ordering project, which foresees awarding of Luka Asatiani name to meeting hall of City Council.
The ordering project also foresees installing corresponding plague on the entering door of meeting hall and to name it after Luka Asatiani and to exhibit portrait of Luka Asatiani on significant place. By the said of the Chairman of Commission-Irakli Pataridze “In 1901 year, when Luka Asatiani died, members of debate commission in that time received decision, to exhibit portrait of Luka Asatiani and afterwards fulfilled it. If City Council receives positive decision, on 28th of April this plague will be installed on the door of meeting hall. Initiator of this project is Education, Culture, Tourism and Sport Issues Commission and author of the project is-staff of Batumi City Council.

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