Changes in 2018 year budget of Batumi
30 March 2018

At the extraordinary meeting of Batumi City Council members supported project by which changes will be done in 2018 year budget. At the extraordinary meeting were approved the following issues: Teachers also about 700 collaborators of educational institution will use 50% discount, but their salary shouldn’t be more than 625 GEL. Salary of kindergarten nurses and technical personnel will be additionally increased in amount of 20%. Population registered in Batumi will be financed part of labor payment during 8 months, in amount of 200 GEL in a month, not more than 30%, also will be activated program-service for the people with psychological problems, by the said of commission changes will be fulfilled in sub-programs, where will be discount rates for travelling for separate category of citizens. Also is planned maintainace of Vakhtang Shamiladze and Lado Asatiani Streets. Batumi 2018 year budget will be increased by 437,200 thousand GEL and total sum will be 161,150,000 GEL

Visitors: 3151


