Commission meeting
29 March 2018

Today, was carried out meeting of Education, Culture, Tourism and Sport Issues Commission, where was discussed four issues foreseen by the agenda.
Commission discussed initiative of the Chairman of Batumi City Council Suliko Tebidze which concerns discount rate for travelling with municipal transport. Teachers also about 700 collaborators of educational institution will use 50% discount, but their salary shouldn’t be more than 625 GEL. Members of commission discussed changed planned in current budge, according to which salary of kindergarten nurses and technical personnel will be additionally increased in amount of 20%. Members of commission considered advisable discussion of this issue on extraordinary meeting, beside the fourth issued foreseen by the agenda, which was connected to renaming of Aleksandre Griboedovi street to Archil Tatunashvili, in spite of the fact that commission agrees to have street named after Archil Tatunashvili, naming in this form is not considered advisable. Members of commission think that it is important to meet inhabitants of Griboedovi street and to take into consideration their opinion.

Visitors: 2944


