Why do we need gender quotas?
06 March 2018

Today, the Chairman of the faction of the City Council “Georgian Dream”-Natalia Zoidze attended meeting “why do we need gender quotas?” in USAID. She at the same time leads Gender Equality Council of Batumi City Council, at this meeting, she made report connected with the gender equality politics in Georgia and shared own experience to the youth.
As it is known, in March of current year, parliament discusses draft law, which foresees changes in “Election Code of Georgia” and receipt of gender quotas. The author of the draft law group participating in the women’s politics and initiator is more than 37 thousands of electors. Gender quotas, as temporary supporting mechanism, is effective mean of increase of participation of women in politics. Establishment of the quotas will ensure presentation of the important number of women in politics, in order to make women able to make influence on the process of receiving decisions.

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