Today was held extraordinary meeting at Batumi City Council. Acting Chairman of Batumi City Council Lasha Sirabidze presented to colleagues agenda of the meeting.
Members of City Council supported a draft resolution, according to which changes were made in 125 order of 2013 year about giving property to state which was in the ownership of self-governing institution. In the first article of this order was removed fixed limit about building living apartment on the land belonging to persecuted. Aim of this change is support of privatization by the state of 60616,00 square meter territory, part of non -industrial plot, particularly 30 000 square meters, former “Bitmage” (living car-building factory) in the aim of building gas-concrete factory.
By the decision made at the meeting changes and additions were done in the general plan of land usage of Batumi, particularly in new map of general zonation of land usage general plan. Aims of the changes are holding proper, effective and qualitative process of building on the territory of city and definition of right directions in the city-building planning.
By the decision of the members of City Council according to the needs of Georgian Defense Ministry, by the aim of new building support by LEPL “extraordinary situation governing agency” and giving plot to the Ministry, state was giving free of charge, with the right of ownership, 6680,00 square meter plot in Batumi, Angisa settlement, with 379,00 square meter building. Also to Batumi Municipality was returned back, free of charge, non-agricultural plot situated in Batumi, #39 Khakhuli St (existed in the usage of LEPL “extraordinary situation governing agency”) with buildings on it.
Today also members of City Council gave consent to Mayor of Batumi about strengthening of the waterside of the Black Sea for holding constructional works there, with defined cadastral code registered plots, in the terms of two years to be given free of charge to LEPL “Georgian Municipal Development Fund”.
To Mayor of Batumi was also given consent with the rules established by the acting law, with the Ministry of Finance and Economy of Ajara Autonomous Republic, Khelvachauri, Keda, Shuakhevi and Khulo Municipality to set up (become partner) JSC “Alliance of Ajara Water” and with this aim to fulfill correspondent events.
Changes also were made in the personnel of financial and economic development, infrastructural development, education, culture, tourism and sport issue and health defense and social issues commissions, accordingly, by the decision made at the meeting was proven new staff of these commissions.
Meeting of Batumi City Council attended services of Batumi City Hall, representatives of NGO and society.
Extraordinary meeting at Batumi City Council
25 October 2016
Visitors: 20212