Decision by the Land Recognition Commission
27 June 2016

The Chairman of The City Council Irakli Tcheishvili presented the decision made by Commission to the residents of Gonio and journalists on the briefing.
 “As you know, the reason of our today’s meeting is the problem that has begun from the first years of the country’s independence. It is known for everybody that, unlike the rest of Georgia, in Ajara has not been implemented land reform, and then, in the conditions of the National Movement’s rule, the land issue has become a theme of political speculations. Land parcels granted to citizens before elections have been confiscated soon, and complicated dead-lock situation has been created, that had inherited our government. Despite of this, the problem was realized and the work, for the purpose of returning to the legal frames, has been started by the Chairman of The Government of Autonomous Republic of Ajara Archil Khabadze, and “Georgian Dream” political team. In this basis, today, The Commission of Property Rights Recognition on The Land Parcels of Batumi Municipality decided to invalidate the protocol decision made by The Commission of Property Rights Recognition on The Land Parcels of Khelvachauri Municipality.
Based on the complete analysis of legal details, we declare that according to the decision made by the Land Recognition Commission, issues connected with the property of the part of Gonio population, on which are not spread limits will be discussed individually by the defense of law and in case of demand’s satisfaction, their property will be recovered.
Briefly, I would like to mention legal issues. Administrative act that was received by the previous government by which to these people was abolished their property, included four basic reasons. After basic analysis it was clearly seen that criteria of abolishing this right on property were not firmed up by the law and represented artificially invented reasons. From this point of view is seen how previous government foresee our citizen’s right on property and how they manipulated by private property before elections “.
“Our government started settling these problems and todays decision reveals everything”- declared Irakli Tcheishvili on today’s briefing.  271 families living in Gonio demanded legislation of that plot which was in 2007-2008 years legally given by the Khelvachauri Land Recognition Commission and then by their decision taken away. Land Recognition Commission existing in Batumi Municipality worked on this issue from 2014 year and individually discussed each case if the right on property was legally taken away from the families who owned this plot. 

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