The summary session of the Commission
24 November 2015

Today, in the session hall of Batumi City Council for the purpose of discussing on the Batumi Municipality draft budget 2016 was carried out extended session of the Committee of Finance and Economic Development. There were discussed the conclusions, remarks and suggestions of the factions, the City Council members and other Sectoral Committees. At the session, regarding the draft budget and priority document, the Commission adopted the summary decision, which will be submitted to the Chairman of Batumi Municipality City Council tomorrow, 25th of November.
The session was attended by the representatives of Batumi City Hall, non-governmental organizations and society as well as the Chairmen of other Commissions and Factions of Batumi City Council, the City Council members.
The draft budget 2016 of Batumi Municipality entered the city council for discussion on November 15.
In the case of remarks existing on the draft budget, the Chairman of the City Council, not later than November 25 will return the draft budget with remarks to the City Hall of Batumi.

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