The Commission session
10 November 2015

The education, culture, tourism and sports Commission held its session in Batumi City Council.
By the decision of the Commission members, the concert scheduled in Batumi Music Center will be carried out in the frames of the New Year activities and the funding will be allocated within the framework of the event.
The Commission did not support the funding of G.Gegetchkori’s television theatre performance from Batumi Municipal budget.
As for allocation of required amount for restoration of the “House of Friendship”, the Commission will return to this issue while discussing Batumi Municipal budget 2016.
The Commission unanimously approved the establishment of the National Georgian wrestling club and decided to submit a recommendation to the Mayor of Batumi City.
The Commission expressed a positive attitude regarding placing a monument of Zviad Gamsakhurdia in Batumi City, however, after discussion, decided to establish a working group of specialists who will work and submit competent conclusion regarding placing of other monuments in Batumi City.
The Commission also discussed the proposal of “Ajara’s Patriotic Union” initiative group about placing a monument in the square located in the corner of N.Baratashvili and S.Zubalashvili streets. According to the Commission members, there is a conclusion of the Commission on this issue already, although, the Commission will argue on this issue additionally at the next session.
The Commission took note of a representative network’s application of gender equality in Ajara to name the streets of Batumi with prominent women’s names.

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