Regular session of City Council
29 May 2018

Today, at the regular session of City Council, which was leaded by the Chairman of City Council Suliko Tebidze were discussed 15 issues for eseen by the agenda.
Changes were done in the resolution project about rates of commuting, the given changes foresees discounted commuting rate, and the amount of discount will be 50% for the single parents.
Special parking spaces will be separated on the territory of Batumi and special price for parking of the cars will be established.
Changes will be done in 2018 year budget of Batumi Municipality. In the incomes and payments of the budget will be reflected transfer amount that will be given from the budget of Ajara Autonomous Republic and state budget of Georgia. Also by the saved money will be financed new sub-programs and events. The given project will be discussed on 29th of May, at the meeting of City Council.
The session of City Council attended the mayor of City Hall LashaKomakhidze, who answered the questions asked by the member of City Councils. The session also attended representatives of non-governmental organizations and media.

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